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Title Samcheongdong
Name KONG/INSIK Date 2020-10-13
Samcheongdong is Seoul's most stylish neighborhood, located just past Gyeongbokgung Palace's stone wall lined street. The name "Samcheong" is derived from the words "sam" meaning "three", and "cheong" meaning "fresh" or "pure", because the mountain, water and the heart of the people in this area are all very fresh and pure. Then it's not wonder why many artists have sought out Samcheong-dong over the years. Because of this, Samcheong-dong became known as an artistic area.

The area of Samcheongdong is actually made up of several neighborhoods: Anguk-dong, Sogyeok-dong, Hwa-dong, and Sagan-dong and ends at Samcheong Park. Samcheong-dong is dotted with various art museums, museums, art galleries, restaurants, cafes, and shops; some are traditional, some are modern, but all are unique and colorful. 

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